Monday, October 31, 2011

Hallowed Evening Prayer 2011

Another turn of the fate filled wheel.
Skuld please stay thy hand.
May thy weave be neat
Thy barley gleaned
And thy mead ferment so sweet.

Fires a light 'gainst winters night.
Oh keep us warm inside.
Verdandi be thou kind
Wilst cold thy children sleep so deep
To awake with mornings light.

Blessed be thy Urd twined threads
As we honor the Noble-dead
The ancestors rest at Odins breast
So be not filled with dread.
Now color thy skien a pleasnt hue
For thy earth bound wyrd is set.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Oh there once was a pig with one leg.
The Lords all said "Stay away.
It is fat and pathetic and likes to complain.
And only wants what others have got.
 Having let its own grain rot!"

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Of The Witch

She was beautiful.  So fetching that Biar began to feel a strange things.  Odd sensations that he had never felt before. She had the pale iris that darkened at the outer-rim and there was indeed an other worldly quality to her gaze as if she were looking through you at something or someone that occupied the same space as you.
    Her garment was rich and of high quality, broidered with runes as Grenden had marked earlier. Her fiery hair was in a tight braid as one would expect a sea going maiden to do. And her lips were thin but they bowed in such an attractive way that it was hard for Biar not to stare at them.